Established in 1999 at Jiashan County Zhejiang Provincenear Shanghai,Jiashan Huazhilian Commercial UseEquipment Plastic Factory (abbreviated as HZL) ls a leadingmanufacturer speclalizng in POP & display fixture andaccessorles for supermarkets and stores with forty fiveemployees and 9600 square meters facilities.Over the pasttwenty years,Our products has consiste ntly helped andassisted the growth of our customer and our product andservices has recelved reputation worldwide from more thanthirty countries across five continent. With the continuousgrowth of our experience and expertise, instead of focusingmanufacturing and quallity controltoday we have alsocarried out product design.product reengineering andconsultancy to our customer to help and assist them toeffectively reduce their cost during communication,procurement and product development and empowerthem to become more flexible and competitive in everchange marketplaces.
Research & Development:
Our R & D team has been always seeking new challenges in product designing and manufacturing.If we do not currently have a product that meets your product model, our engineering team will focus its extensive experience in the Pop & Display industry to find a solution for you.Quality controlling systems for designing period and manufacturing process have been established.
Professional Service:
With years experience in international trading affairs, our customer service team will listen to what you need exactly, suggest products and find a solution for you.During the entire process, from initial inquiries through prototype molding and to sample delivery, our customer service team is staying in touch with you. All your inquiries will receive our prompt attention. We appreciate any opportunity to assist you.
Quality Assurance:
HZL has an experienced QC team throughout the entire process of production and every producing detail will receive extensive attention. Through drawing from prototyping and to sample-making, inspectors and engineers will provide any assistance and help for quality control.
Warehousing and Shipment:
HZL has about 10,000 square meters for both manufacturing and warehousing. Our factory is just 90 kilometers for the metropolis, Shanghai, so it is very convenient for air and sea freight. Our experienced team will guarantee prime condition of the products arriving at any destination.